
Thanks for stopping by. Read below to learn more about myself and my background.

Christen Jacquottet at work with a colleague


Hi there, 👋 I'm Christen Jacquottet, a Creative Developer from France with a passion for the autodidact tech lifestyle. I am dedicated to continuous learning and constantly expanding my skill set by diving into new and exciting technologies. Solving challenging problems and developing innovative software solutions are what truly drive me.

Beyond programming, I have a deep enthusiasm for the financial world. I love finding an edge in the market using custom tools I build and continuously honing my financial acumen. This intersection of technology and finance allows me to create powerful, data-driven solutions.

Outside of the tech and finance realms, I have a keen interest in photography. Capturing the beauty of the world through my lens and discovering new perspectives in the everyday brings me great joy.

I'm excited to be on this journey of exploration and growth, always seeking new opportunities to expand my abilities and make a positive impact through technology. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! 😊


Computer Science—Digital Media & Information Systems


AI Chatbot Development, Generative AI, Project management, Team Collaboration, User Centric Design, Digital Strategy, VRM Avatar Creation, Web Development, Adobe Creative Suite